I have found that their strength lies in outmanuvering an opponent, debuffing opposing warjacks and totally destroying a target before i can retaliate.
This month i decided to boost my ranks with a new caster, Asphixious who is a very different caster to Deneghra while still keeping with the core powers of the Cryx.
I also decided to add another heavy warjack in the form of the Reaper, the combination of a harpoon to drag unsuspecting warjacks and a hard hitting sustained attack reach weapon to decimate whatever is dragged.
I have yet to manage a successful drag but the reapers melee attacks have tasted Circle Warlock blood this month.
Next month i move onto some units to provide some variety in my armies.
I like how bright your assorted Cryxians are - very different from my old-school dark and boring all-metal paintjobs.