Circle - Chip
Kaya the Moonhunter + Laris (+3)
Feral Warpwolf (9)
Feral Warpwolf (9)
Warpwolf Stalker (10)
Druids of Orboros (7)
+Overseer (2)
-34 points
Spares - 2 Argus Hounds
Month 1 - Battlebox
Month 2 - Kaya the Moonhunter (£13) and Feral Warpwolf (£17)
Month 3 - Druids of Orboros box (£20) and Druids of Orboros Overseer (£7) £3 surplus
Month 4 - Warpwolf Stalker (£23) £10 surplus
Cryx - BeardedBernard
Iron Lich Asphixious (+6)
Slayer (6)
Reaper (7)
Deathripper (4)
Deathripper (4)
Defiler (5)
6 Satyxis Raiders (5)
6 Mechanithrall (3)
6 Bane Thrall (5)
- 33 points
Month 1 - Battlebox
Month 2 - Iron Lich Asphixious (£8) and metal Reaper (£17) £5 surplus
Month 3 - Mechanithrall box (£17) and Satyxis Raiders box (£18)
Month 4 - Bane Thrall box (£30)
Khador - Trainee.
Koldun Lord Zerkova (+6)
Juggernaught (7)
Destroyer (9)
Greylords Ternion (4)
Doom Reavers (6)
+ Greylord Escort (2)
Doom Reavers (6)
+ Greylord Escort (Free)
6 Mechaniks (3)
- 31 points
Month 1 - Battlebox
Month 2 - Koldun Lord Zerkova (£6) and Greylord Ternion (£10) £14 surplus
Month 3 - Doomreaver Box (£20), Doomreaver Greylord Escort (£7), Battle Mechanik Crew Chief blister (£6), 2 Battle Mechanik blisters (£10) £1 surplus
Month 4 - Doomreaver Box (£20), Doomreaver Greylord Escort (£7) £4 surplus
Skorne - Mr Sunshine
Supreme Aptimus Zaal + Kovaas (+5)
Titan Gladiator (8)
Cyclops Savage (5)
Cyclops Savage (5)
Cyclops Shaman (5)
6 Praetorian Swordsmen (4)
Extoller Soulward (2)
Ancestral Guardian (3)
Hakaar the Destroyer (4)
- 31 points
Spare - 6 Paingiver Handlers
Month 1 - Battlebox
Month 2 - Paingiver Handlers box (£12), Paingiver Handlers blister (£6) and Cyclops Shaman (£12)
Month 3 - Surpeme Aptimus Zaal (£11), Hakaar the Destroyer (£11) and Ancestral Guardian (£8) £1 surplus
Month 4 - Praetorian Swordsmen box (£20), Extoller Soulward (£6.50) £4.50 surplus